South African Xeno-Flippen-phobia "Hak af dat ons ry"

Arachnophobia is being shit scared of spiders. In all honesty, I think it is a basic human condition, we should all be. However, to diagnose it as a phobia in all cases would be incorrect. Yes, I am sure that there are people that are struck down with fear and yes they need help, but I am assuming that this would be a formal condition, diagnosed by a professional, over time with a plan of action going forward. 

Any phobia is a serious thing. I remember running onto the rugby field and almost pissing my pants because the opposition was twice my size. You never get use to that feeling and it never gets better. I still remember my first rugby game against a “black team” in 1993. It was the first Black/White game in our city. Yes, I was shit scared at the beginning of the game (but that was normal for me), and maybe I had a little Xenophobia.

However, in sport there are rules and laws and if you want to participate, you need to follow them. You trust the other team to do the same. If you don't trust the other team, you trust the ref. In short, the offering is structured and you know what to expect. The fear does not disappear, but you know that you can apply your skills with confidence.

However, during the length of this game, the referee continually missed offenses from both teams. Maybe he was shit scared? It resulted in frustration and aggravation and both teams took matters' into their own hands.

We all need to play by the same rules. It is however inevitable that if the ref don’t apply the rules and laws as written that people will take matters into their own hands. We almost lost that game and I am 100% sure we lost the fight.

Please apply the law as it is written and make sure that when you write a law that you have the manpower and infrastructure to implement it, alternatively, the people will. 

PS: “I write it like I see it” Welcome to comment below if you agree or disagree – thanks a mil. Ek dink in plat Afrikaans maar tik in Engels sodat almal kan verstaan wat ek sê.

So as jy hier wil kom bly, volg die reels anders hoort jy nie hier nie, hak jou goed af en ry, anders gaan die mense dit vir jou doen. Moet ook dan nie kanse vat nie, want jy gaan die fight verloor pappie. As jy my nie vertsaan, gaan kyk n rugby game of twee.

So ja my maat, doen n slag iets and druk die flippen knoppie. Druk gerus op like, tweet of share onder