According to Wikipedia I am a White South African

According to Wikipedia I am a White South African. It continues saying and I quote: “It is a term which refers to people from South Africa who are of European descent and who do not regard themselves, or are not regarded as being part of another racial group, for example, as Coloured."

So, yip I am a white South African male and Yes, I have not moved to Australia, New Zealand, England or any other country….YET! So I am not an Expat, but some of my school friends are.

It is a weekday and I am braaing chops. R75 per kg at Spar, special price. I braai as often as I can, mainly because whiskey and a beer goes very well with a braai and it is the AFRIKANER thing to do, or being politically correct, it is an AFRICAN thing to do. We are all Africans in Africa unless you are a white male, then affirmative action applies.

My dad was a teacher. Taught me how to braai. Later I realized that I liked it medium rare, he liked it well done, but for the first 18 years of my life I only knew well done chops, so what was the difference? I didn’t know any better. Nor did I know anything about Nelson Mandela, the ANC and apartheid until the 1994 election.

Tonight I will braai my chops well-done! In memory of my dad. No, he’s not dead, still “with us”, but he has alzheimers. Looking at him I sometimes wonder if he’s stuck in 1976. They say the 70’s were the best decade to be alive. I’m thinking that black South Africans would disagree? Is it therefore “politically correct” to say that the 70’s were the best years?

I gaze into the flames (sipping on whiskey) and think back on the week, the half week, the month, the year, the past 5 years, the past 10 and so on. For some reason I remember more people, old friends sitting next to me, agreeing with glee, some drunker that others. I miss my old friends, even if they were full of shit.

That said, braaing chops well done is not easy. You need to “forget” about turning them and keep adding salt. Maybe my dad would be better at this? Just add salt to the problem and forget about turning it. This was the way they solved problems in the 80’s

Maak my sommer die moer in dat iemand ooit kon gedink dat dit reg was.

Ek dink in plat Afrikaans maar tik in Engels sodat almal kan verstaan wat ek sê. Ek skryf elke week iets nuut so kom gerus terug.